No timely interruptions to steal the media limelight this week, thankfully for the PM.
The session kicked off with a change of strategy for Cameron, taking his questions in two segments rather than usual six question spurt. It worked slightly better, landing some blows on the PM mainly in regards to last week’s coup attempt. In a classic piece of middle England electioneering, Cameron claimed that lessons needed to be learnt from the how the adverse weather has been handled, specifically grit shortages.
However, the PM was on buoyant form and used all his replies to taunt Cameron over his airbrushed campaign poster and bemoaned Cameron’s lack of policy, "He can have his posters we will have the policies" the PM quipped.
Nick Clegg led with Iraq and called for the PM to do the "decent thing" and volunteer to appear before the Iraq inquiry before a general election, the PM rebuffed with ease by stating the Inquiry would make such decisions.
Overall, not a bad session for the PM, who seemed determined to prove his doubters wrong. Cameron’s sound bites on the economy and “call an election now” are starting to become tiresome and perhaps a new line of attack would prove more effective.